Thursday, January 27, 2011

memories of piggy summer

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Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year....

The Christmas season has come to an uneventful and pleasant end. We've had amazingly mild weather which has certainly facilitated our unexpectedly early lambing with the Navajo-churro flock. I'd expected a few early babies as Alfie was romancing a few of the girls in mid-summer but I had no idea of the full extent of his diligence until the lambs started arriving. Regular as clockwork...mostly twins, three singles to the youngest ewes....and then...a grand finale on the final day before New Year with two sets of twins and Friendly (who had been big as a house and my bet for first to lamb) came in dead last with a set of sweet little

Aside from some difficulties with blaze #4 who could't manage on her own and had have her lambs pulled by moi....first time for me...everyone had uneventful births and we have 19 bouncing black and white cuties racing around the barn.